The commission created under this subchapter shall be appointed as follows:
   (A)   The governing body of York County shall appoint three members to the commission.
   (B)   The municipalities in York County shall appoint three members of the commission who must be residents of incorporated municipalities within the county and who shall be selected according to the following mechanism:
      (1)   The total population of all incorporated municipalities within the county, as determined by the most recent United States Census, must be divided by three, the result being an apportionate average;
      (2)   The respective population of each municipality in the county must be divided by the apportionate average to determine an appointive index.
      (3)   Each municipality in the county shall appoint a number of members to the commission equal to the whole number indicated in its appointive index; provided, however, that no single municipality may appoint more than two members to the commission.
      (4)   When less than three members are selected to the commission in accordance with the prescribed appointive index method, the remaining member or members must be selected in a joint meeting of the commission appointees of the municipalities in the county. The member or members must be chosen from among the residents of the municipalities in the county that before this time have not provided a representative for the commission.
      (5)   In the event no municipality is entitled to appoint a member to the commission pursuant to the formula in division (B)(3), the municipality with the highest appointive index must be deemed to have an appointive index of one.
      (6)   If, within a 30-day period following the adoption of this subchapter, one or more of the municipalities in York County fails or refuses to appoint its or their proportionate number of members to the commission, the county governing body shall appoint an additional number of members equal to the number that any such municipality is entitled to appoint. Any vacancy on the commission must be filled in the manner of the original appointment.
(Ord. 5908, passed 9-15-08)