(A)   The areas of special flood hazard of York County are subject to periodic inundation which results in loss of life, property, health and safety hazards, disruption of commerce and governmental services, extraordinary public expenditures of flood protection and relief, and impairment of the tax base, all of which adversely affect the public health, safety, and general welfare.
   (B)   Furthermore, these flood losses are caused by the cumulative effect of obstructions in floodplains causing increases in flood heights and velocities, and by the occupancy in flood hazard areas by uses vulnerable to floods or hazardous to other lands which are inadequately elevated, floodproofed, or otherwise unprotected from flood damages.
   (C)   Furthermore, upon examination of the Federal Emergency Management Agency's National Flood Insurance Program standards for floodplain development, York County Council has determined that, due to continuing growth and development, topography and the extensive riverine floodplain systems, and a recurring history oflocal flooding within the non-Special Flood Hazard Areas of the Regent Park Community, the minimum standards of the National Flood Insurance Program are not wholly sufficient to protect its citizens and their properties from the effects of flooding, especially in situations where flooding could be exacerbated by development that would otherwise be allowable under the minimum standards of the National Flood Insurance Program, and that higher standards and additional protections must be employed through creation of a special community-based floodplain overlay district to protect the public and property within the Regent Park Community of York County.
(Ord. 2508, passed 6-2-08; Am. Ord. 2924, passed 6-3-24)