As used in this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise, the words and terms defined in this chapter shall have the meanings ascribed to them herein:
DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: The use of land, buildings and structures on any property in the city subject to this title, except single-family dwellings and two-family dwellings, and shall include new developments, planned developments, and the expansion of existing developments, where the site is not in conformance with landscaping and irrigation requirements of this chapter.
EVERGREEN: Any plant with foliage that persists and remains year round.
HYDROSEEDING: The application of seed within a suspended liquid medium that is sprayed onto a prepared surface.
LANDSCAPED AREA: Shall consist of a given percentage of the "site area" of a "development project", as designated in section 9-6-6 of this chapter, and shall be composed of a combination of turf grasses, trees, shrubs, hedges, vines, ground covers, and other living plant materials; inert materials such as decorative rock, bark, and wood chips; concrete curbing (or railroad ties or landscape timbers), permeable walkways, decks, patios, and other amenities.
MAINTENANCE: Shall consist of any management required for the well being of the plant and appearance of the landscaped area.
MULCH: A covering over the soil used for water retention, soil erosion and dust control, as well as for aesthetic purposes. Examples include rock products, wood products, and vegetative byproducts.
PARKING AREA: Those portions of a site area designated for motor vehicle use, including, but not limited to, parking stalls, parking spaces, driveways and access driveways.
PERMEABLE SURFACE: A hard, porous material that allows water penetration into the soil.
RESOURCE EFFICIENT IRRIGATION: The application of water to a specific area based on plant requirements.
RESOURCE EFFICIENT LANDSCAPING: A method of landscaping intended to conserve water and other natural resources by encouraging the following principles:
   A.   Practical turf areas.
   B.   The use of water conserving plant material.
   C.   The grouping of plants with similar water requirements.
   D.   An irrigation system designed to meet plant needs.
   E.   The installation of permeable hard surfaces to encourage ground water recharge and reuse, and to discourage runoff.
   F.   The use of water harvesting techniques.
   G.   The use of mulches.
   H.   The use of soil amendments.
   I.   Soil analysis.
   A.   Living material, including, but not limited to, turf grass, ground covers, shrubs, vines, hedges, or trees which have been identified as those which are drought tolerant or low water use varieties, indigenous to or adaptable to this climate, and which can survive, once established, on minimal irrigation or natural rainfall; and
   B.   Nonliving material including, but not limited to, rocks, gravel, sand, tile, bricks, bark, decorative concrete, and wood.
SEEDING: The application of seed onto a prepared surface.
SHADE TREE: A large deciduous plant with a mature crown diameter of at least fifteen feet (15') and having a trunk that, at maturity, is kept clear of leaves and branches at least six feet (6') above grade.
SITE AREA: The site area consists of the surface area of a development project including public right of way areas between property lines and paved sidewalks or streets.
TURF GRASS: Any species of grass that grows together and can be mowed, planted and maintained in areas of pedestrian, aesthetic or recreational activity.
WATER HARVESTING SYSTEM: Any combination of techniques that results in storm or flood waters captured on site, for later plant use or return to the water table.
XERISCAPE: Landscapes are defined as balanced quality landscaping that conserves water and protects the environment. Also known as "hardscape". (Ord. 06-01, 1-25-2006)