As used in this chapter:
BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (BOD): The quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter in a specified time and at a specified temperature, usually at five (5) days and twenty degrees centigrade (20°C).
CAPITAL COSTS: Costs of major rehabilitation, expansion or upgrading required as facilities reach the end of their useful life.
CAPITAL OUTLAYS: Expenditures which result in the acquisition of, or addition to, fixed or capital assets.
CONNECTION CHARGE: A fee charged in order to equalize the investment in sewer plant equipment and related facilities. The charge is applied to all new users of sewer facilities in approximate proportion to their anticipated usage and is for the right of service in the system. All connection charges and fees collected are deposited in the capitalization fund.
COUNCIL: The duly elected city council of the city.
DEPARTMENT: The division of municipal government empowered by the city council with the responsibility for and authority over the operations and policies of the wastewater treatment facilities of the city.
DIRECTOR: The director of public works of the city, or any of the director of public work's duly authorized representatives.
EQUIVALENT DWELLING UNITS (EDU): The equivalent wastewater flow contributed by a user, calculated by totaling the total number of wastewater discharging fixtures and their flow contribution, measured in fixture units. EDUs may also be charged for wastewater characteristics in excess of the standard amounts as defined in section 8-4-17-6 of this chapter, equivalent dwelling unit benchmarks.
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: The accounting and budgetary procedures utilized in the development and application of the user charge system, following generally accepted accounting principles and those of the governmental accounting standards board. The accounts of the city are organized on the basis of funds and account groups, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self-balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues and expenditures, or expenses, as appropriate.
FIXED ASSETS: Permanent property such as land, buildings, sewer collection pipelines, tanks and other similar property.
FIXTURE UNIT: The arbitrary value assigned to various plumbing fixtures based upon the latest edition of the uniform plumbing code and the fixture's typical discharge loading contribution to the sewer system. Fixture units are utilized herein in the development of proportional connection charges and user charge rates. See definition of Sewage Fixtures.
INFILTRATION: Water other than wastewater that enters a sewerage system, including sewer service connections, from the ground, through such means as defective pipes, pipe joint connections, manholes, or similar means.
INFLOW: Water other than wastewater that enters a sewerage system through such sources as roof, yard and cellar drains, catchbasins, surface runoff, street wastewater or drainage.
MAY: Permissive.
MUNICIPAL SEWER SYSTEM: The system of conduits, pumps, treatment plants and structures used for the purpose of conveying from their source, treating in any manner and conveying to final points of disposal all wastes of any nature permitted by this chapter to enter said system. Specifically included as integral parts of the system are all conduits of any nature forming a network of conduits or connected directly or indirectly to said network; all pumps, treatment plants and structures of any kind used in connection with the collection, treatment, and disposal of the wastes handled by the system; and all appurtenances to any of the above, either physically or functionally connected thereto. "Sanitary sewers", as defined herein, are all included as parts of the municipal sewer system.
OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND REPLACEMENT (OM&R): Those functions that result in expenditures during the useful life of the treatment works for materials, labor, utilities, and other items which are necessary for managing and maintaining the sewage works to achieve the capacity and performance for which such works were designed and constructed. The term "operation and maintenance" includes "replacement" as defined below. The term shall exclude expenditures for fixed or capital assets and any consideration of or for debt service or depreciation.
PREMISES: A continuous tract of land, building, or group of adjacent buildings under a single control with respect to use of sewer and responsibility for payment thereof. Subdivision of such use or responsibility shall constitute a division into separate "premises" as herein defined, except that where more than one dwelling is being served through the same sewer service, in which case each of said dwellings shall constitute separate premises and shall be subject to the same separate charges as if separate single-family dwellings.
REPLACEMENT: Expenditures for obtaining and installing equipment, accessories, or appurtenances which are necessary during the useful life of the treatment works to maintain the capacity and performance for which such works were designed and constructed. The term "operation and maintenance" includes "replacement". The term excludes replacement of any fixed or capital asset.
SANITARY SEWER: A sewer intended to carry only sanitary or sanitary and industrial wastewater from residences, commercial buildings, industrial plants and institutions.
SEWER USE ORDINANCE: The legally binding document which establishes parameters controlling connection to, and wastes contributed to a wastewater treatment system, including a mandate that all residences shall be connected; all connections shall be properly designed and constructed; the introduction of hazardous or toxic wastes which may threaten public safety or the plant's physical integrity shall be prohibited; and new sources of inflow are prohibited.
SEWERAGE FIXTURES: Approved type installed receptacles, devices or appliances which are supplied with water or which receive liquid or liquid-borne wastes, and discharge such wastes into the drainage system to which they may be directly or indirectly connected. Industrial or commercial tanks, vats, and similar processing equipment are not sewerage fixtures, but may be connected to or discharged into approved sewerage fixtures.
SHALL: Imperative.
STORM DRAIN: A sewer line intended to carry only storm water, surface runoff, street wash waters and drainage.
SUSPENDED SOLIDS (SS): Solids that either float on the surface of, or are in suspension in water, sewage, or other liquids and which are removable by laboratory filtering.
TREATMENT WORKS: Includes without limitation the generality of the foregoing, mains, laterals, wyes, tees, meters and collections, treatment and disposal plants.
USER: A recipient of wastewater treatment services.
Commercial User: All retail stores, restaurants, office buildings, laundries and other private or public businesses and service establishments.
Industrial User: Includes any nongovernmental, nonresidential user or publicly-owned treatment works which is identified in the standard industrial classification manual, 1972, office of management and budget, as amended and supplemented, under the following divisions:
Division A - Agriculture, forestry, and fishing;
Division B - Mining;
         Division D - Manufacturing;
Division E - Transportation, communications, electric, gas and sanitary; and
Division I - Services.
Residential User: Any contributor to the city's treatment works whose lot, parcel or real estate, or building is used for domestic dwelling purposes only.
USER CHARGE FUND: The fiscal account to which all user charge system revenues shall accrue and through which funds are disbursed to meet only OM&R expenses.
USER CHARGE RATE (UCR): The charge assessed users of the wastewater treatment facility to obtain revenue to fund the user's share of the OM&R expenses. The rate is determined by a schedule set by the council.
WASTEWATER: The spent water of the community. It may be a combination of liquid and water-carried wastes from residences, commercial buildings, industrial plants, and institutions. Wastewater shall specifically exclude uncontaminated water such as ground water, rainwater, and surface drainage. (1973 Code § 13.40.010)