Neither the Council nor its members shall interfere in any way with the appointment or removal of any of the officers and employees in the administrative service. Except for the purpose of official inquiry, the Council and its members shall deal with the administrative service solely through the Village Manager. No member of the Council, the Village Manager, or any other officer or employee of the Village, shall receive a major portion of his or her personal or family financial income from contracts with or expenditures of the Village other than their regular salaries or wages as Village officers or employees. Income received as a minority stockholder shall not be construed as violating this section. No member of the Council, the Village Manager or other officer or employee of the Village shall knowingly accept any gratuity of value from any individual or corporation operating a public utility or engaged in business of a public nature within the Village, or from any person known to him or her to have, or to be endeavoring to secure, a contract with the Village. No person in the administrative service shall directly or indirectly give, solicit or receive, or in any manner be concerned in giving, soliciting or receiving any assessment, subscription or contribution for any candidate or group of candidates for elections to Village offices. Any conviction of violation of this section shall operate to forfeit the office or position held by the person violating the same and shall render any such person ineligible to any municipal office or position for a period of five years.