(a)   "Bicycle path" means that portion of the street right-of-way for bicycle use, generally paralleling but separate from the motor vehicular traveled portion of the street right-of-way and usually constructed of asphaltic concrete and black in color.
   (b)   “Low-speed micromobility device" means a device weighing less than one hundred pounds that has handlebars, is propelled by an electric motor or human power, and has an attainable speed on a paved level surface of not more than twenty miles per hour when propelled by the electric motor.
   (c)   "Marked bicycle crossing" means the extension of a bicycle path or multi-use path through an intersection or across a street and indicated on the street surface by approved pavement markings and by approved warning signs.
   (d)   "Multi-use path" means that portion of the street right-of-way designated by Council for shared use of pedestrians and bicycles, generally paralleling but separate from the motor vehicular traveled portion of the street right-of-way and usually constructed of asphaltic concrete and black in color.
   (e)   "Sidewalk" means that portion of the street closest to the edge of the street right- of-way for pedestrian use, generally paralleling but separate from the motor vehicular traveled portion of the street right-of-way and usually constructed of concrete and white in color.
(Ord. 2023-29. Passed 6-20-23.)