(a)   There is established in the Village a stormwater utility to provide efficient and effective management and financing of a stormwater system within the Village; to provide a system for mitigating the damaging effects of uncontrolled and unplanned stormwater runoff; to mitigate and reduce the amount of stormwater mixed with sanitary sewage and sent to the Village's wastewater treatment facilities; to protect the public health, safety and welfare by providing for the safe and efficient capture and conveyance of stormwater runoff, for the correction of stormwater conditions detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare; to authorize the establishment and implementation of plans and mechanisms for dealing with stormwater drainage, including design, coordination construction, management, operation, maintenance and replacement of stormwater management facilities, inspection and enforcement activities and administration of the Village's stormwater utility; to establish reasonable stormwater utility service charges based on each property's contribution of stormwater runoff to the system and use and benefit of services and facilities to fund the Village's stormwater system; and to encourage and facilitate urban water resources management techniques, including detention of stormwater runoff, enhancing the amount of and use of permeable surfaces, minimization of the need to construct storm sewers, and the protection of the environment, including the protection of the Little Miami watershed.
   (b)   It is determined and declared to be necessary and conducive to the protection of the public health, safety, welfare and necessary in order to accomplish the aforementioned purposes that a stormwater utility service charge shall be made on each lot or parcel in the Village from which stormwater drains and which contributes to stormwater runoff.
(Ord. 2022-31. Passed 9-19-22.)