The Justice System Commission shall:
   (a)   Propose recommendations to Village Council for policies and priorities that align the practices of the Yellow Springs Police Department (YSPD) and the Mayor's Court with community values. As a part of diligent recommendation development, the commission should:
      (1)   Research current policies and practices prior to developing any recommendation.
      (2)   Describe how the proposed recommendation would affect current policies and procedures.
      (3)   Consider input from staff, including legal and practical concerns regarding the recommendation prior to coming to Council;
   (b)   Work to educate itself and the community on current Village practices, the effects of those practices and who is affected as well as research best practices and learn about the community's concerns and priorities regarding security and justice;
   (c)   With the approval of Council, initiate public education activities related to its purpose;
   (d)   Conduct an annual planning process, which will include adopting rules and procedures (or otherwise following Robert's Rules of Order) necessary for the Commission's proper function and consistent with the Village Charter and Ohio Sunshine Laws, that results in priorities and work plans describing the Commission's intended focuses and activities for review by Council and filed with the Clerk of Council; the Commission shall also update its work plans throughout the year prior to working on new policy recommendations or significant research projects for review by Council and filed with the Clerk of Council;
   (e)   Keep minutes of its proceedings that reflect the actions of the Justice System Commission, the reasoning behind those recommendations, and the vote of each member upon each question or, if absent or failing to vote, indicating as such. Minutes and the records of all official actions shall be approved and filed with the Clerk of Council and kept as a public record;
   (f)   Hold regular public meetings that are properly announced and provide a list of agenda items to the Clerk of Council a week before a regular meeting, which is available to interested citizens;
   (g)   Facilitate connections between organizations in the Village engaged in justice issues and trends, and maintain a list of such organizations and contact information;
   (h)   Carry out such other duties as may be assigned to it by Council.
(Ord. 2018-49. Passed 12-3-18.)