A site plan shall be approved only upon a finding of compliance with the following standards:
(a) The site plan must comply with all standards of this chapter and all applicable requirements of this code and all other applicable laws and regulations.
(b) The site must be designed in a manner that is harmonious, to the greatest extent possible, with the character of the surrounding area.
(c) The site must be designed so as to minimize hazards to adjacent property, and to reduce the negative effects of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes and glare to the maximum extent possible.
(d) Unless a more specific design standard is required by the Village through a different code, all uses and structures subject to site plan review shall comply with the following design standards:
(1) Traffic circulation. The number, location, size of access and entry points, and internal vehicular and pedestrian circulation routes shall be designed to promote safe and efficient access to and from the site, and circulation within the site. In reviewing traffic features, the number, spacing, and alignment of existing and proposed access points shall be considered relative to their impact on traffic movement on abutting streets and adjacent properties.
(2) Storm water. Storm water detention and drainage systems shall be designed so that the removal of surface waters will not adversely affect neighboring properties or public storm water drainage systems. Storm water shall be removed from all roofs, canopies and paved areas in accordance with Section 1226.06
(a)(7) Storm Water Management Systems or Appendix: Stormwater Guidelines for Low Impact Development in the Planning Code, whichever applies.
(3) Landscaping. The landscape shall be preserved in its natural state, insofar as practicable, by minimizing unnecessary tree and soil removal, and any grade changes shall be in keeping with the general appearance of neighboring developed areas. Provision or preservation of landscaping, buffers or greenbelts may be required to ensure that the proposed uses will be adequately buffered from one another and from surrounding property. Topsoil shall be left intact or stored on site, using best management practices, for site restoration upon completion of the project.
(4) Screening. Where nonresidential uses abut residential uses, appropriate screening shall be provided, in accordance with Chapter 1270, so as to shield residential properties from noise, headlights, lighting and glare.
(5) Lighting. Lighting shall be designed to minimize glare on adjacent properties and public streets. As a condition of site plan approval, reduction of lighting during non-business hours may be required.
(6) Utility service. All utility service shall be underground, unless impractical.
(7) Exterior uses. Exposed storage areas, machinery, heating and cooling units, service areas, loading areas, utility buildings and structures, and similar accessory areas shall be located to have a minimum negative effect on adjacent properties, and shall be visually and acoustically screened, if reasonably necessary, to ensure compatibility with surrounding properties.
(8) Emergency access. All buildings and structures, including any Fire Department, connections shall be readily accessible to emergency vehicles.
(9) Water and sewer. Water and sewer installations shall comply with all Village specifications and requirements.
(10) Signs. Permitted signs shall be allowed, in accordance with Chapter 1266, and shall be located to avoid creating distractions, visual clutter and obstructions for traffic entering or exiting a site.
(Ord. 2013-19. Passed 9-16-13; Ord. 2020-25. Passed 10-25-20.)