1250.01   PURPOSE.
   (a)   "B-1," Central Business District. The B-1 District serves as the focal point for the social and commercial activities of the Village. The integration of business, institutional, public, quasi-public, cultural, residential and other related uses is permitted and encouraged. Uses in this district, for the most part, are intended to promote pedestrian movement and social interaction and should be of a scale and character that is consistent with the small town ambiance of the Village.
   (b)   "B-2," General Business District. The B-2 District accommodates general retail and/or auto-dependent businesses. Uses within this district typically require high visibility, major arterial frontage, good access and ample parking. While these uses are provided for, the B-2 District is intended to be limited to a confined area so as to prevent the creation of a commercial strip and a proliferation of uses that would detract from the central business hub of the community.
(Ord. 2013-19. Passed 9-16-13.)