Electricity; Municipal Light and Power
1042.01   Electric service charges.
1042.02   Special provisions related to electric service.
   Maintenance of electrical wires - see Ohio R.C. 715.27
   Electric light and power in villages - see Ohio R.C. 735.28 et seq.
   Electrical rates regulated by Council - see Ohio R.C. 743.26, 743.28
   Interference with other lines in erection of poles and wires forbidden - see Ohio R.C. 4931.07
   Tampering with electrical wires - see Ohio R.C. 4933.21
   Prosecutions for theft of utilities - see GEN. OFF. 672.06
   Electrical signs - see P. & Z. 1266.06
   National Electrical Code - see B. & H. Ch. 1424
   Electrical wiring - see B. & H. Ch. 1448