The standards required as a part of the permit process shall apply to any of the activities listed below, which are shown for illustrative purposes only and shall not be construed as limits on the regulatory authority of the Village governing uses of its rights- of-way:
   (a)   Excavations;
   (b)   Curb cuts and driveway connections;
   (c)   Plantings;
   (d)   Construction or repair work of any kind;
   (e)   Sidewalks, bike paths, curb and gutters;
   (f)   Alteration of the right-of-way for vehicle parking;
   (g)   Drainage of storm water;
   (h)   Installation of any overhead facilities, such as wires, cables, masts, banners, etc.
(Ord. 82-10. Passed 9-7-82.)