(a)   General Requirements. The following general requirements will apply to all test borings, openings, or excavations for which a permit is issued pursuant to this Chapter:
      (1)   All street and curb cuts must be outlined first with a diamond point saw that will ensure a neat patch.
      (2)   All excess material excavated that will not be used for restoration must be hauled away from the work site.
      (3)   All backfill must be granular backfill, well compacted to paving subgrade, or Control Density Fill (CDF), as determined by the City Engineer or representative.
      (4)   Paving must be replaced with a similar material to that removed, as approved by the City Engineer, and in the unpaved areas, the surface shall be left in comparable condition to that prior to excavation.
   (b)   Specific Requirements. The City Engineer is hereby authorized to place any further requirements regarding the test boring, opening, or excavation work and/or the restoration work as he or she deems necessary. Such specific requirements shall be listed on the issued permit.
   (c)   Rules and Regulations. The City Engineer is hereby authorized to promulgate rules and regulations, in accordance with the requirements of this Chapter, regarding required application information, inspections, construction and material requirements, safety standards, or any other regulations necessary to protect the City's streets and public ways as well as the motoring public.
(1964 Code § 901.06; Ord. 2023-35. Adopted 12/14/23; Em. Ord. 2024-01. Adopted 02/08/24; Ord. 2024-02. Adopted 02/22/24)