(a)   Prohibitions. No person performing work under a permit issued pursuant to this Chapter shall litter or track onto the streets or public ways of this City any mud, earth, snow, rubbish, rocks, refuse, or other debris. If, because of the weather or the type of work being done, it becomes impossible to avoid such littering or tracking onto the streets or public ways, the person performing the work shall, as soon as practicable, remove, wash and/or otherwise clean such street, public ways, curbs, inlets, and/or storm sewer lines at their own expense.
   (b)   Public Nuisance. If there is such littering or tracking onto the streets or public ways that it causes a public nuisance, environmental hazard or a danger to the traveling public, the City Engineer may order the immediate removal of all such littering or tracking and may issue an order to stop work until such public nuisance is removed. If such littering or tracking is not removed or remedied within two (2) hours of the City Engineer's order, removal and remediation services may be rendered by the City and the permittee shall be billed at the current hourly rates of the City's equipment and personnel. Alternatively, the City retains the right to contract out such removal or remediation services, as deemed necessary by the City, and bill the permittee for all costs incurred.
   (c)   Presumption. For the purposes of this section, it shall be presumed, unless otherwise demonstrated by the permittee, that any mud, earth, snow, rubbish, rocks, refuse, or other debris of any kind deposited upon any street or public way emanating from any point of entry or exit to or from the work site is due to such work or related transportation.
(1964 Code § 901.05; Ord. 2023-35. Adopted 12/14/23; Em. Ord. 2024-01. Adopted 02/08/24; Ord. 2024-02. Adopted 02/22/24)