(a)   Housing Officer. The Housing Officer shall make annual inspections of the properties for which a CRA exemption has been granted. If the Housing Officer finds that the property has not been properly maintained or repaired due to the neglect of the owner, the Housing Officer may revoke the exemption at any time after the first year of the exemption. The Housing Officer shall notify the Greene County Auditor and the owner of the property that the tax exemption no longer applies. If the Housing Officer revokes a tax exemption, he or she shall send a report of the revocation to the Community Reinvestment Area Housing Council, containing a statement of his or her findings as to the maintenance and repair of the property and the reason for revoking the exemption.
   (b)   CRA Housing Council. The Housing Officer shall file a report of his or her annual inspections under division (a) hereof to the CRA Housing Council. The CRA Housing Council's review and approval of said report shall be deemed its annual inspection of the properties within any CRA for which exemptions have been granted, as required under Xenia City Code Section 285.04. As a part of its review of the Housing Officer's report, the CRA Housing Council may make any further physical inspections of properties within a CRA for which exemptions have been granted as the CRA Housing Council deems necessary.
(Ord. 15-57. Adopted 11/24/15; Ord. 2023-39. Adopted 12/28/23)