A.   Restrictions. No grant to exercise a franchise in the City of Xenia shall be exclusive and no such grant shall be renewed earlier than two (2) years prior to its expiration. No franchise or public utility shall be assignable without the consent of the Council by ordinance or resolution first advertised, and any attempted assignment without such ordinance or resolution shall be void and of no effect.
   B.   Extension to Annexed Property. In the grant of any franchise or right to exercise any public utility within the City, the extension of the same to any territory annexed to the City shall, without being expressed therein, be a part of the right which may be enforced by appropriate proceedings.
   C.   Right of Purchase. All grants of the right to exercise a franchise made by the Council shall reserve to the City the right to purchase or lease all property of the utility used, for the operation of the utility at a price either fixed in the ordinance or resolution making the grant, or to be fixed in the manner provided by such ordinance or resolution, which price shall in no event include any value for the grant. Nothing in such ordinance or resolution shall prevent the City from acquiring such property by condemnation proceedings or in any other lawful mode, which rights shall be in addition to those reserved in the ordinance making such grant. Upon the acquisition of such property by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise, all grants shall at once terminate.
   D.   Extension, Connection and Utilization of City Utilities. The extension, connection, and utilization of City utilities to tributary areas shall be permitted and the City Council shall establish a schedule of fees for use of and connection to City utilities. The extension, connection and use of City utilities shall only apply to utilities with sufficient capacity.