The Joint City/School Board Commission shall serve as an advisory board to the Board of Education and Council and shall have the duty and powers to review all matters that jointly affect the public schools of the City and the City consistent with applicable Federal, State and local laws and shall include, but not be limited to, the review of the following: combining of communication resources, of management training, legal services, computer systems, phone systems; joint purchasing of supplies and insurance; joint administration of payroll and personnel benefits; common usage of public facilities; redevelopment and improvement of public facilities, including energy analysis of public facilities; participation by the Board of Education in the City's Master Plan process and by the City in the Board of Education's long range planning process; the development of a central service center concept; and such other programs and services as will maximize the resources available in the City to the maximum benefit of all residents of the City.
In addition, the Commission shall identify areas and opportunities for collaboration between the City and the Schools and shall make recommendation for study and implementation of mutually beneficial opportunities.
(Ord. 15-1993. Passed 9-20-93.)