The Commission shall have the following duties:
(a) To conduct a continuing inventory of buildings, structures, objects and sites that represent the historic resources of the City. The inventory is to be recorded on the Ohio Historic Inventory Form and reported to the Ohio Historical Society.
(b) To prepare nominations to the National Register of Historic Places as appropriate.
(c) To recommend for official designation by Council local Historic Districts. Each proposed Historic District shall be the subject of a separate recommendation to Council.
(d) To recommend for official designation buildings, structures, objects and sites that are landmarks especially significant to the history of the City whether located within or outside of the boundary of a designated Historic District. Each Historic Property designation shall be the subject of a separate recommendation to Council.
(e) To review and make recommendations to Council and the Planning Commission on proposed legislation which may have an effect on a designated Historic District or Historic Property.
(f) To prepare a program of educational exhibits and activities which will inform the residents about the historic resources of the City and their care and maintenance.
(g) To establish Design Guidelines in conjunction with the Architectural Review Board for general educational purposes and for purposes of assisting the Commission, City Manager, and City Council in making the required determination as to the approval or denial of Demolition applications and Proposed Replacement Construction in accordance with Chapter 1336.
(Ord. 13-2012. Passed 10-15-12.)
Archeological sites that are discovered within the City shall be immediately reported to the Ohio Historical Society and such site shall be secured by the City from "pot hunters", "metal detecting", and vandals insofar as possible. Archeological sites shall only be investigated under the supervision of a qualified professional recognized by the Ohio Historical Society.
(Ord. 13-2012. Passed 10-15-12.)
The Historic Preservation Commission may request the employment services of consultants as may be required to carry out the assigned functions, within an appropriation provided by Council. The City Manager shall administer all contracts and hiring of consultants.
(Ord. 13-2012. Passed 10-15-12.)