(a)    When a commercial or non-residential enterprise goes out of business, closes or otherwise ceases to do business at a location, all signage on those premises related to that commercial or non-residential enterprise shall be removed or covered with durable, weather resistant opaque materials within thirty (30) days of the cessation of business, except as otherwise provided in this Section. Such material shall be maintained in good condition so as to totally obscure the message so long as the premises remains vacant.
   (b)    After the cessation of business at a particular location, one window sign not exceeding two square feet in size and not separately lighted shall be permitted to give a new location or contact information for the former enterprise; such sign shall be removed no later than ninety (90) days after the cessation of business.
   (c)    Until another commercial or non-residential enterprise is established at that location, only the sign allowed by subsection (b), signs advertising the premises for sale or lease or signs bearing noncommercial messages, shall be allowed on the premises.
   (d)    A banner or other temporary sign advertising the premises for sale or for lease may be used to cover a portion of the permanent signage at the business, up to a total size not to exceed twelve (12) square feet. (Ord. 13-2012. Passed 10-15-12.)