(a)   Bills shall be rendered on or about the 20th of the month for water furnished the preceding quarter. A ten percent (10%) penalty shall be added to all bills not paid by the 15th day of the following month in which the bills are rendered. The bills not paid by the first day of the month next following the month in which the bills are rendered, shall have a late payment collection charge added to the bill in accordance with the most current schedule of fees adopted by City Council.
   (b)   Water service shall be shut off when bills remain unpaid for a period of forty-five (45) days from the date the bill was rendered and a charge as set forth in the most current schedule of fees adopted by City Council shall be made for turning the water service back on after payment is made.
(Ord. 16-2022. Passed 11-21-22.)
   (c)   All water bills and statements shall be sent to both the water customer and the property owner. Said statement shall notify the recipient of his/her right to a hearing upon written request to dispute the amount of any charge assessed to, or credit given, to an account.
   (d)   Prior to termination a water termination notice shall be sent to both the water customer and property owner. Water customers and property owners shall have a right to a hearing to dispute the amount of any charge assessed to, or credit given to an account.
   (e)   In all cases, the property owner shall be ultimately responsible for the payment of utility service charges regardless of any private agreements with agents or tenants. All late fees or other applicable fees that may result from the failure to pay a utility bill shall be paid in full by the property owner.
   (f)   If a delinquent account remains unpaid the City reserves the right under law, to certify same to the Hamilton County Auditor by a certificate signed by the Finance Director. The County Auditor shall then place the amount certified by signed certificate on the appropriate tax duplicate with interest and penalties allowed by law, including the applicable assessment fee. The same shall be collected as all other taxes and shall be considered as a lien upon real property.
(Ord. 6-2008. Passed 3-17-08.)