A.   Created; Appointment: An advisory board of no less than three (3) citizens shall be appointed by the mayor with the approval of the town council.
   B.   Term: There shall be no terms of office, and members of the tree advisory board shall serve until such time as they resign or are removed for cause by the town council.
   C.   Compensation: Members of the board shall serve without compensation.
   D.   Advisory Board Responsibility:
      1.   The tree advisory board shall be advisory in nature with the purpose of providing advice to the mayor and town council as to the preservation, protection, and management of the community forest, in accordance with the intents and purposes of this chapter.
      2.   The board will report its findings and recommendations to the mayor and town council as requested by the mayor and town council, or as is appropriate.
      3.   The board will help develop and implement educational materials and programs.
      4.   The board shall recommend an annual budget to the mayor and town council. The board is authorized to seek outside funding for board projects as may be approved by the town council in accordance with town budgetary procedures.
      5.   It shall be the responsibility of the tree advisory board to study, investigate, counsel and develop written standards, rules and regulations for the care, preservation, trimming, planting, removal or disposition of trees and shrubs in public ways, streets and alleys, parks, and in other areas owned by the town. (Ord. 95-8, 4-24-1995; amd. 2007 Code)