10-3-5: VACATION:
   A.   Written Request:
      1.   Submittal: Any plat may be vacated by the owners or proprietors thereof at any time before sale of any lots, or before the subdivider has made substantial improvements in the subdivision, by submitting a copy of the plat to the planning and zoning commission, along with a written request for the vacation. In cases where lots have been sold, the written request shall be by all of the owners of lots within the plat.
      2.   Recommendation Of Planning And Zoning Commission; Action Of Council: The planning and zoning commission shall make a recommendation on the vacation to the town council and the council shall approve or disapprove the vacation.
      3.   Recording Instrument: The recording of an instrument vacating the plat shall operate to destroy the force and effect of the recording of the original plat and to divest all public rights in the streets, alleys, commons and public grounds laid out or described in such a plat.
   B.   Streets, Alleys And Utility Easements: Streets, alleys and utility easements platted and laid out under the provisions of this title, or laid out under any prior law of the state of Wyoming regulating plats, may be altered or vacated in the manner provided by Wyoming Statutes for the alteration or discontinuance of highways. Such alterations or vacations shall require a public hearing by the planning and zoning commission and town council at which any person or corporation affected by the vacation may comment. Such vacation shall be accomplished by ordinance.
   C.   Plats: Any part of a plat may be vacated provided such vacating does not abridge or destroy any of the rights and privileges of other proprietors in said plat; and provided, further, that nothing contained in this section shall authorize the closing or obstruction of any public highways laid out according to law. The request for vacation shall be made by all of the owners of lots within that portion of the overall plat sought to be vacated.
   D.   Vacated Streets, Alleys And Other Public Grounds: When any streets, alleys and other public grounds are vacated, the area vacated shall be assigned to all lots or parcels adjacent to the public area being vacated in equal proportions.
   E.   Action By County Clerk: The county clerk shall write in plain, legible letters across that part of said plat so vacated, the word "vacated" and also make a reference on the same to the book and page in which the said instrument of vacation is recorded. (Ord. 93-9, 6-14-1993)