10-3-3: APPEALS:
   A.   Who May Appeal: Any subdivider or landowner aggrieved by the action of the planning and zoning commission or the administrative official in their administration of these regulations may request a hearing before the board of adjustment.
   B.   Request For Appeal: The request shall be in writing, shall be submitted within thirty (30) days of the action or decision appealed from and shall state the specific relief which the subdivider or landowner seeks.
   C.   Hearing: Within thirty (30) days of the receipt of such a request, the board of adjustment shall hold a hearing to determine the proper disposition of the matter.
   D.   Hearing Officer: The board of adjustment may appoint a hearing officer to hear the facts of the appeal and make a recommendation to the board of adjustment.
   E.   Matters Considered: At the hearing, consideration shall be given not only to the subdivider's appeal, but also to the written or verbal comments of the commission, agency or person appealed from.
   F.   Board Of Adjustment Action: The board of adjustment shall either reaffirm or modify the decision in the record of its hearing. The subdivider or landowner may then proceed with the subdivision of his land, based upon the decision of the board of adjustment.
   G.   Decision Binding: This decision shall be binding upon all agencies and administrative personnel of the town as well as the subdivider or landowner.
   H.   Appeal To District Court: All such decisions of the board of adjustments may be appealed to the district court for Campbell County, Wyoming, and shall be governed by the Wyoming administrative procedures act. (Ord. 2002-2, 4-8-2002)