(A)   The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee shall serve as an advisory body for the Department of Planning and Parks. The Committee shall recommend policies to the Planning and Parks Director or his or her designee within its powers and responsibilities as stated in this subchapter. The Committee shall serve as a liaison between the Planning and Parks Department and the citizens of the community in parks and recreation matters. The Committee shall consult with and make recommendations to the Planning and Parks Department Director or his or her designee in matters affecting parks and recreation policies, programs, and the acquisition and disposal of lands and properties related to the total community parks and recreation program, and to its long-range, projected program for parks and recreation. The Planning and Parks Director or his or her designee will submit Committee recommendations to the Town Manager and/or Board of Aldermen for appropriate action.
   (B)   The Committee shall make recommendations relating to the acceptance by the town of any grants, gifts, or bequests of any personal or real property offered or made available for parks and recreational purposes and which are judged to be of present or possible future use for or to parks and recreation. Any gift, bequest of money or other property, grant, or devise of real property or personal property so acquired, shall be held by the town, used, and finally disposed of in accordance with the terms under which the grant, gift, or devise is made and accepted.
   (C)   Upon investigating and interpreting the needs of the community, the Committee shall make recommendations in regard to the construction and equipping of parks, playgrounds, and recreation centers necessary or useful to parks and recreation function and programming.
   (D)   The Town Manager shall be responsible for appointing staff personnel to support the activities of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. The Town Manager shall designate those staff members so appointed in writing and shall provide a copy of the designation to the Director of Planning and Parks. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee shall not utilize the services of any staff personnel other than those so designated without the prior approval of the Town Manager.
(Ord., passed 7-25-74; Am. Ord. 1179, passed 5-14-92; Am. Ord. 1592, passed 2-26-09)
Statutory reference:
   General powers, see G.S. § 160A-353