(A) The Director of Public Works, the Building Inspector, the Chief of Police, various police officers, and others as determinned by the Town Manager are designated to perform the functions of shoreline protection officers under the provisions of this subchapter in addition to their other duties.
   (B) It is the intent of the Board of Aldermen in adopting this subchapter that the function of the shore line protection officer shall ordinarily be allocated among the officials designated in division (A) of this section as follows:
      (1) To the Building Inspector shall be allocated all functions relating to the issuing of permits and making inspections incidental thereto.
      (2) The Director of Public Works shall assist the Inspector as required in determining whether any proposed use shall be detrimental to the dunes herein thought to be protected.
      (3) The Chief of Police and the various policemen shall be allocated all law enforcement functions as may be necessary to enforce provisions of this subchapter.
   (C) All fees collected by a shore line protection officer shall be paid to the Town Clerk within 48 hours of the receipt of the fees.
   (D) Every shore line protection officer shall report quarterly to the Board of Aldermen concerning his activities, together with is recommendations, if any.
(Ord., passed 2-22-73; Am. Ord., passed 1-11-78; Am. Ord. 1845, passed 6-22-23)