The following noises are declared to be unreasonably loud or disturbing noises in violation of § 97.02 and are prohibited. This enumeration shall not be construed to be an exhaustive or exclusive list of noises which violate § 97.02, nor shall satisfying any requirements of this section render a sound in itself reasonable:
   (A)   Noises intended to disturb. The creation of noise for the primary purpose of disturbing another person, such purpose gleaned from the circumstances surrounding the generation of the noise.
   (B)   Horns, signaling devices, sirens, and the like. The sounding of any horn or signal device on any automobile, motorcycle, watercraft, bus, or other vehicle, except as a warning or danger signal; or the sounding of such device repeatedly or for an unreasonable period of time; or the use of any siren upon any vehicle, other than a bona fide police, fire or other emergency vehicle or equipment.
   (C)   Television sets, radios, musical instruments, or amplification and playing devices, and the like. The outdoor use, operation, or playing of any television set, radio, musical instrument or sound amplifying device, or other machine or device for the production or reproduction of sound, including but not limited to devices designed for playing music and other material from records, compact discs, MP3s, mobile phones, speakers and the like, in a manner or at a volume which would or does annoy or disturb a person of reasonable sensibilities within his or her temporary or usual place of abode or place of employment.
   (D)   Yelling, shouting, and the like. The frequent, constant, or continual yelling or shouting, in a manner or at a volume which would or does annoy or disturb a person of reasonable sensibilities within his or her temporary or usual place of abode or place of employment.
   (E)   Animals. The frequent, constant, or continual noise from any animal that habitually, frequently, intermittently, or repeatedly makes excessive noises that tend to annoy, disturb, or frighten a person of reasonable sensibilities at a volume level or for a period of time which would or does annoy or disturb a person of reasonable sensibilities within his or her temporary or usual place of abode or place of employment.
   (F)   Vehicles and watercraft. The use of any motorized vehicle or watercraft of any nature that is so out of repair, or so loaded, altered or operated as to create grating, grinding, rattling, amplified exhaust sound(s), or other noise which would or does annoy or disturb a person of reasonable sensibilities within his or her temporary or usual place of abode or place of employment, or the operation of a motorized vehicle with a defective, altered, or missing muffler such that the vehicle emits an unreasonably load noise.
   (G)   Loading, unloading, waste disposal. The creation of an unusual and unreasonable level of prolonged noise in connection with loading or unloading any vehicle, the opening and destruction of bales, crates, and other containers, or the prolonged deposit of solid waste materials or recyclables into containers or receptacles, at a noise level which would or does annoy or disturb a person of reasonable sensibilities within his or her temporary or usual place of abode or place of employment.
   (H)   Alarms. Car, watercraft, home and similar types of alarms which are activated and not discontinued promptly after the person in control of the alarm is advised or discovers that the alarm has been activated, unless the alarm is allowed to continue because said person believes that a crime is being committed.
   (I)   Compression release engine brakes or air brakes (aka "Jake Brakes "). The noise caused by the unnecessary release or use of compression release engine brakes, sometimes referred to as air brakes or "Jake Brakes."
   (J)   Loud, raucous and disturbing noise. Loud, raucous and disturbing noise, which term shall mean any sound which, because of its volume level, duration and character, annoys, disturbs, injures or endangers the comfort, health, peace or safety of reasonable persons of ordinary sensibilities within the limits of the town of Wrightsville Beach. The term loud, raucous and disturbing noise shall be limited to loud, raucous and disturbing noises heard upon the public streets, in any public park, in any school or public building or upon the grounds thereof while in use, in any church or upon the grounds thereof while in use, upon any parking lot open to members of the public as invitees or licensees, or in any occupied residential unit which is not the source of the noise or upon the grounds thereof.
(Ord. 1810, passed 9-10-20)