Section 155.10.1 Prohibited Signs.
   (A)   Spectacular signs which are flashing or intermittently illuminated or moving signs are prohibited in all districts. No strings of electric light bulbs shall be permitted in any district.
   (B)   No signs shall be permitted advertising or directing persons to services, places, or products not in the town limits. Exception: "For Rent" or "For Sale" signs, located on specific places for rent or for sale, of real estate agents located outside the town limits.
   (C)   No roof signs, as defined in Exhibit A, shall be permitted in any district.
   (D)   No billboard signs, as defined in Exhibit A, shall be permitted in any district.
   (E)   Any sign existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance, which under the terms of this section would be nonconforming, shall be considered a conforming sign for the purposes of this section, until/unless said sign is altered.
   (F)   Portable signs as defined in Exhibit A, except as otherwise permitted herein, shall not be permitted in any district.
   (G)   No sign shall make use of the words "STOP," "SLOW," "CAUTION," "DANGER," or any other word, phrase, symbol, or character in such manner as is reasonably likely to be confused with traffic directional and regulatory signs.
   (H)   No sign shall be erected so that by its location, color, nature, or message is likely to be confused with or obstruct the view of traffic signals or signs, or is likely to be confused with the warning lights of an emergency or public safety vehicle.
   (I)   No flags, festoons, balloons or banners shall be allowed in any district except as may be allowed as exempt signs under Section 155.10.2.
   (J)   No sign shall be permitted within the rights-of-way of streets or roads except those designated for the regulations of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and which are approved by the "Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways."
   (K)   No mobile signs, as defined in Exhibit A, shall be permitted in any district.
   (L)   No snipe signs, as defined in Exhibit A, shall be permitted in any district.
   (M)   No wind signs, as defined in Exhibit A, shall be permitted in any district.
(Ord. 1695, passed 11-8-12; Am. Ord. 1788, passed 11-14-19; Am. Ord. 1838, passed 3-10-22)