At any location within the town where necessary to prevent flotation due to possible high flood waters, LP-Gas containers shall be securely anchored as follows:
   (A)   Containers shall be anchored as follows:
      (1)   Horizontal containers: each container shall be secured with four mobile home type earth anchors as described in division (B) (2) below. Two anchors will be sunk at each end of the container. Each anchor will be connected so as to resist motion from buoyancy and to prevent floatation and rotation. Anchor connections will be over the top of the container from anchor to anchor. Anchors will be set such that their tops will be flush with the ground at a point under the turn of the container not greater than 12 inches from and in line at each end with the legs on either end of the container. Connecters to anchors will be torqued to not less than 50 foot pounds.
      (2)   Underground containers: each container shall be secured by using four mobile home type earth anchors. Two anchors will be sunk at each end of the container. Each anchor will be connected so as to resist motion from buoyancy and to prevent floatation and rotation. Anchor connections will be over the top of the container from anchor to anchor. Anchors will be set such that their tops will be flush with the ground at a point in line and perpendicular with the turn of the tank and in line at each end with the legs on either end of the container. Connecters to anchors will be torqued to not less than 50 pounds.
      (3)   Vertical containers: each container shall be secured with two mobile home type earth anchors. Anchors will be connected to the legs of the container through the bottom assembly. Each container in any group shall be anchored individually. Vertical containers may be affixed to solid surfaces instead of using anchors as described hereinabove provided such fastening will prevent floatation and not affect the vertical stability of the container. Connecting straps shall be fastened together with not less than 50 foot pounds of torque. Anchors shall be augured into the earth such that the tops are flush to the ground surface. Anchors shall be located opposite to each other.
   (B)   Materials for strapping and anchoring shall be as follows:
      (1)   Strapping: materials shall consist of galvanized steel strapping not less than 1.25 inches wide and not less than .031 inch thickness, or stainless steel strapping not less than .75 inches wide and not less than .031 inch thickness; or stainless steel cable not less than three-eighths inches in diameter. When galvanized strapping is used, vinyl, rubber or plastic sheathing over the strap will be required in order to separate the container surface from the strap surface and prevent galvanic action between these materials. All strapping material shall have a tensile breaking strength of not less than 4,000 pounds.
      (2)   Anchors: anchors shall consist of steel mobile home earth type anchors. The anchor shank shall not be less than 36 inches in length and five-eighths inches in diameter. Each anchor shall contain at least two auger discs not less than four inches in diameter. The anchor assembly shall be capable of maintaining not less than 3,000 pounds holding strength. Anchors shall be capable of withstanding not less than 50 foot pounds of torque for connecting of straps or cable.
   (C)   The following requirements must be met for containers anchored prior to adoption of this section;
      (1)   Galvanized strapping affixed prior to adoption of the section must be protected from galvanic action by the use of plastic, rubber or vinyl sheathing material.
      (2)   Preexisting strapping must connect anchors through the legs of the container at its base to prevent floatation or movement with cable or strapping material under a load of not less than 50 foot pounds of applied torque.
   (D)   Containers may be secured to permanent vertical surfaces if this can be accomplished in a fashion that will prevent the container from being dislodged or floating. Fastening shall be at the top portion of the containers and at the bottom portion of the container with a connection to the adjacent vertical surface with straps or cable under load of not less than 50 foot pounds of torque. Top and bottom fastenings will be fitted 90 degrees to the vertical plain of the container. Such fastenings must achieve 3,000 pound holding potential. Other alternative fastening methods may be utilized subject to the prior approval of the Fire Official as defined in § 94.30.
(Ord. 1286, passed 7-10-97)