The following parking meter zones are hereby established on those streets within the town as specified below:
   (A)   South Lumina Avenue, east and west side, Stone Street to Snyder Street.
   (B)   North Lumina Avenue, west side, Columbia Street to Sweeney Street.
   (C)   Jack Parker Boulevard, south side, all.
   (D)   South Lumina Avenue, east and west sides, Iula Street to Sunset Street.
   (E)   Stone Street, south side, all.
   (F)   East Salisbury Street, north and south sides, all spaces.
   (G)   West Salisbury Street, north and south sides.
   (H)   Town parking lots as follows: South Lumina at 624 S. Lumina Avenue at access #36; Wynn Plaza; Moore’s Inlet at 1800 N. Lumina Avenue and north of Holiday Inn at access #8; Shell Island at 2398 N. Lumina Avenue - the L-shaped lot at access #4; Shell Island at 2498 N. Lumina Avenue at access #3; Shell Island at 2698 N. Lumina Avenue and south of Shell Island Resort at access #2.
   (I)   North Lumina Avenue, west side, from Parmele Boulevard to West Salisbury Street.
   (J)   North Lumina Ave., east side, East Salisbury Street to Mallard Street.
   (K)   Waynick Boulevard, west side, all.
   (L)   South Lumina Ave., west side, Sunset Boulevard to Jack Parker Boulevard.
   (M)   North Lumina Ave., east side, Parmele Boulevard to South Ridge Road.
   (N)   Circle Drive, south side.
   (O)   North and south sides of East and West Columbia Street.
   (P)   North and south sides of East and West Atlanta Street.
   (Q)   North and south sides of East Charlotte Street.
   (R)   North and south sides of East Augusta Street.
   (S)   North and south sides of East and West Asheville Street.
   (T)   North and south sides of East and West Fayetteville Street.
   (U)   North and south sides of East and West Oxford Street.
   (V)   North and south sides of East and West Greensboro Street.
   (W)   North and south sides of Seagull Street.
   (X)   North and south sides of Shearwater Street.
   (Y)   North and south sides of Heron Street.
   (Z)   North and south sides of Sandpiper Street.
   (AA)   North and south sides of Mallard Street.
   (BB)   East and west sides of North Lumina Avenue from Oceanic Street to Salisbury Street.
   (CC)   300 block of South Lumina Avenue.
   (DD)   400 block of South Lumina Avenue.
   (EE)   500/600 block of South Lumina Avenue to Iula Street.
   (FF)   North and south sides of Nathan Street.
   (GG)   North and south sides of East and West Henderson Street.
   (HH)   Old Causeway Drive.
   (II)   East and west sides of Keel Street from Old Causeway Drive to the northern line of Seacrest Drive.
   (JJ)   East side of Marina Street from Old Causeway Drive to the northern line of Short Street.
   (KK)   North and south sides of Gene Floyd Drive located south of the Town Hall complex.
   (LL)   All of the public parking lot located adjacent to the tennis courts on the Town Hall complex.
   (MM)   W. Columbia Street from North Lumina Avenue to its western terminus at Banks Channel.
   (NN)   The town’s entire historic square located adjacent to Salisbury Street.
(Ord. 1081, passed 7-14-88; Am. Ord. 1320, passed 10-8-98; Am. Ord. 1373-A, passed 2-28-01; Am. Ord. 1405, passed 2-28-02; Am. Ord. 1442,passed 4-24-03; Am. Ord. 1496, passed 2-22-06; Am. Ord. 1614, passed 10-29-09; Am. Ord. 1620, passed 2-11-10; Am. Ord. 1651, passed 3-10-11; Am. Ord. 1708, passed 5-9-13; Am. Ord. 1745, passed 5-28-15; Am. Ord. 1757, passed 2-11-16; Am. Ord. 1783, passed 2-14-19)