If an industrial user is suspected of discharging wastewater into a public sanitary sewer which is causing operational problems at the public wastewater treatment facility, pump station, or public sanitary sewer; the discharge would be in violation of this chapter; and the user has been issued a written notice but has denied the alleged violation, the town may require that the user cease to discharge into a public sanitary sewer, upon a hearing by the Director of Public Works, for up to 30 days. The suspension shall be only for the purpose of clearly determining the operational effect of the user's discharge; the suspension shall not be made if it will likely endanger the public health, safety, or welfare or otherwise create a public health or safety nuisance. Depending upon the results of the suspension on the operation of the wastewater treatment facilities, the town may take appropriate action to either restore service or discontinue further service.
(Ord., passed 7-28-83)