(A)   The Director of Public Works shall, from time to time, have tests made to determine the quality of waste being discharged into the public sewer from individual users of the wastewater system, from connections of building sewers carrying composite waste from domestic users or industrial users, and from connections including the premises of industrial waste discharge permit holders under the provisions hereof. If, at any time, such waste becomes of such a quality or quantity that it requires pretreatment, the Director shall have the authority to require that proper permits be obtained and proper pretreatment facilities be installed by the permit holder at his expense.
   (B)   In the event of a significant change in a wastewater system user's wastes being discharged to the public sanitary sewer, the user shall promptly notify the Director of the nature of the change in quality or strength and in volume. These changes shall be subject to verification by the town. Appropriate remedies for the adequate treatment of such wastes thus tested may be required by the Director. "SIGNIFICANT" is defined here to mean a change of 10% or more in strength or volume of wastes, based on the average flow.
(Ord., passed 7-28-83) Penalty, see § 50.999