(A)   In addition to the standards for stormwater handling set out in the Design Manual, development and redevelopment that is located within one-half mile of and that drains in whole or part to class SA waters shall design and implement the best stormwater practices that ensure reduction of fecal coliform loading. The best practices are ones that result in the highest degree of fecal die-off and control sources of fecal coliform to the maximum extent practicable while still meeting the other requirements of this subchapter.
   (B)   No direct discharge or expansion of discharges to SA waters. No new direct points of stormwater discharge to SA waters or increases in the volume of stormwater flow through conveyances or increases in capacity of conveyances in existing stormwater conveyance systems that drain to Class SA waters are permitted. Any modification or redesign of a stormwater conveyance system within the contributing drainage basin must not increase the net amount or rate of stormwater discharge through existing outfalls to Class SA waters. Diffuse flow of stormwater at a nonerosive velocity to a vegetated buffer or other natural area capable of providing effective infiltration of the runoff from the one-year, 24-hour storm shall not be considered a direct point of stormwater discharge. Consideration shall be given to soil type, slope, vegetation, and existing hydrology when evaluating infiltration effectiveness.
(Ord. 1538, passed 5-24-07)