(A)   Application. A completed application for a large assembly permit shall be made in writing on a form provided by the County Auditor/Treasurer. Said application shall be submitted to the County Auditor/Treasurer at least 60 days in advance of the proposed assembly.
   (B)   Verification. The application shall be signed and verified by the person seeking the permit. In the case of a corporation, the application shall be signed by the president or other authorized representative. In the case of any other association, society or group, the application shall be signed by the appropriate officers or, if there are no officers, by all members. In the event that the proposed assembly is to occur on property owned by a party other than the person applying, the application shall also be signed by the property owner.
   (C)   Fee. The application and permit fee for each permit issued under this chapter shall be in accordance with the fee schedule as adopted by resolution of the County Board of Commissioners. The non-refundable application fee shall be paid at the time of submitting a completed application.
   (D)   Contents. The person seeking a permit shall supply all information requested on the application form, including the following:
      (1)   The name, date of birth, residence and mailing address of the person applying and of each individual required by division (B) above to sign the application;
      (2)   The address and legal description of the proposed permitted premises, together with the name, residence and mailing address of the record owner(s) of all such property;
      (3)   The nature or purpose of the proposed assembly;
      (4)   The dates and times during which the proposed assembly will be held; and
      (5)   Detailed information as to how the person applying will ensure that the assembly will comply with the requirements of § 91.05 of this chapter.
(Res. 96-36, passed 7-9-1996)