(A)   The zoning districts shall apply as designated on the zoning map and defined within this chapter and applicable state or federal regulations. Two types of zoning districts are utilized. All lands under jurisdiction of this chapter shall be designated as lying within one, and only one, primary zoning district. In addition, one or more overlay districts may apply.
Primary Districts
 Code Section
Primary Districts
 Code Section
Commercial Recreation Shorelands
§ 155.057(H)
General Agriculture
General Business
General Industry
Highway Business
Multi-Family Urban
Suburban Residential
Suburban Residential (a)
Urban/Rural Transition
Wild and Scenic River
Overlay Districts
Code Section
Adult Uses Overlay District
Planned Unit Development
Residential Recreation Shorelands
§ 155.057(G)
Special Protection Shorelands
§ 155.057(F)
   (B)   The planned unit development zone is a floating district. The standards of this district may be applied to any residential, commercial or industrial district at the request of the landowner and the discretion of county. In such districts, where PD standards differ from the original district standards, the PD standards apply.