(A)   Minimum of four acres. Except as provided in division (B) of this section, a minimum area of four acres or such greater area required to meet all setbacks set forth by this chapter and Ch. 155 of this code of ordinances shall be required for animal feedlot operations. On lots larger than four acres in the A/R, R-1, R-2, R-2a, R-3, S-1, S-2, S-3 and W Zoning Districts, animals shall be allowed at a maximum density of one-half animal unit per acre. In the AG Zoning District, animals shall be allowed at a maximum density of one-half animal unit per acre on parcels of four to ten acres. These restrictions shall not apply to normal farm operations existing prior to the adoption of this chapter or to farms in the AG Zoning District on parcels over ten acres in size. Parcels in the A/R Zoning District are limited to less than ten animal units regardless of parcel size. Parcel size in all districts is determined using all adjoining parcels under common ownership. New feedlots in shoreland, as allowed by § 152.031(C), are limited to less than ten animal units, regardless of parcel size. Livestock shall include those animals listed in § 155.003(B) of this chapter, except for dogs, cats and rabbits as domestic pets.
   (B)   Fowl and chickens. Every parcel of property, except for parcels in the R-1 and W Zoning Districts under 2.5 acres, and notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in §§ 152.027-152.031 and Ch. 155, shall be allowed to have up to five domesticated fowl and 30 chickens, except roosters, provided the following setbacks are met:
      (1)   Poultry buildings will be setback a minimum of 50 feet from side and rear property lines and 300 feet from the ordinary high water mark of any public body of water.
      (2)   Road setbacks are as required under Ch. 155; and
      (3)   Poultry on less than four acres must be contained in a fenced enclosure. The fence must be setback at least 15 feet from all side and rear property lines, and must meet all road setback requirements. The fence must be setback at least 50 feet from the ordinary high water level of a public body of water, provided there is a buffer, as defined under M.S. § 103F.48, between the fence and the public body of water.
(Ord. 06-02, passed 4-4-2006; Ord. 16-6, passed 10-18-2016)