(A)   EXPLOSIVE means any compound or mixture, the primary or common purpose of which is to function by explosion; that is, with substantially instantaneous release of gas and heat; but shall not mean or include the components for hand-loading rifle, pistol and shotgun ammunition, and/or rifle, pistol and shotgun ammunition, black powder, primers and fuses when used for ammunition and components for antique or replica muzzle-loading rifles, pistols, muskets, shotguns and cannons, or fireworks, as defined in M.S. § 624.20, as it may be amended from time to time, nor shall it include any fertilizer product possessed, used or sold solely for a legitimate agricultural forestry, conservation or horticultural purpose.
   (B)   The person applying for an explosives storage license shall fill out and submit to the County Board of Commissioners an explosives storage license application form.
   (C)   The County Board of Commissioners shall hold a public hearing on the proposal. Notice of the public hearing shall be published in the official newspaper designated by the County Board of Commissioners at least ten days prior to the hearing. Notice of the hearing shall also be submitted to the governing bodies of all towns and municipalities within two miles of the property under consideration. In unincorporated areas of the county, property owners of record within one-quarter miles of the affected property or the ten properties nearest to the affected property, whichever is the greatest number of property owners, shall be notified in writing of the public hearing on the request for an explosives storage license.
   (D)   The petitioner or his or her representative shall appear before the County Board of Commissioners in order to answer questions concerning the proposed explosives storage license.
   (E)   An amended explosives storage license application shall be administered in a manner similar to that required for a new explosives license. Amended explosives storage licenses shall include requests for changes in conditions.
   (F)   No application for an explosives storage license shall be resubmitted for a period of six months from the date of an order of denial. Explosives storage licenses shall be valid for 12 months unless specified otherwise. Application for renewal of the explosives storage license shall be made annually to the County Board of Commissioners. The County Board of Commissioners may require a public hearing as a condition of an explosives storage license renewal. All conditions in an explosives storage license shall be commenced within six months and shall be complied with within one year unless otherwise specified.
   (G)   If a time limit or periodic review is included as a condition by which an explosives storage license is granted, the explosives storage license may be reviewed at a public hearing with notice of said hearing published at least ten days prior to the review.
   (H)   In the event that the applicant violates any of the conditions set forth in this license, the County Board of Commissioners shall have the authority to revoke the explosives storage license.
   (I)   A certified copy of any explosives storage license shall be filed with the County Recorder. The explosives storage license shall include the legal description of the property involved.
(Ord. 85-3, passed 2-12-1985)