(A)   Flood Hazard District.
      (1)   It shall be the duty of the Board of zoning Appeals to administer the provisions of § 152.52.
      (2)   No variance shall:
         (a)   Have the effect of allowing in any district uses prohibited in that district.
         (b)   Permit a lower degree of flood protection than the flood protection elevation for that particular area.
         (c)   Permit standards lower than those required by state Law.
      (3)   In the Flood Hazard District, the Commissioner of Natural Resources must receive a copy of an application for a variance at least ten days prior to the hearing on said variance. A copy of decisions granting a variance in a Flood Hazard District shall be forwarded to the Commissioner of Natural Resources within ten days of such action.
('69 Code, § 7-28.07)
   (B)   Shoreland District. In the Shoreland District, the Commissioner of Natural Resources must receive a copy of a hearing notice for a variance at least ten days prior to the hearing on said variance. A copy of decisions granting a variance in a Shoreland District shall be forwarded to the Commissioner of Natural Resources within ten days of such action. ('69 Code, § 7-28.08)