(A)   Designation. There is hereby established the office of Development Administrator or Planner, hereinafter referred to as Administrator. ('69 Code, § 7-24.01)
   (B)   Duties. It shall be the duty of the Administrator to properly administer and enforce this title according to the rules as may be henceforth adopted by the Commission and by the Board. In addition thereto and in furtherance of said authority, the Administrator shall:
      (1)   Serve as an ex-officio non-voting member of the Commission and the Board.
      (2)   Receive, review, analyze and develop written reports on all application for permits, certificates, appeals, variances, amendments or other development matters.
      (3)   Issue permits when the requirements of this title have been met and make and maintain records thereof.
      (4)   Coordinate official development review processes among governmental offices to the extent feasible.
      (5)   Conduct inspections to determine compliance with the terms of this title and to take remedial action when required.
      (6)   Prior to granting a use permit or processing an application for a conditional use permit or variance in the Flood Hazard District, the Administrator shall determine whether the applicant has obtained all necessary state and federal permits. (i.e. M.S. § 105.42, U.S. Corps of Engineers and all other applicable local, state and federal permits.)
      (7)   In the Flood Hazard District, the Administrator shall maintain a record of the elevation of the first floor (including basement) of all new structures or additions to existing structures. He shall also maintain a record of the elevations to which structures or additions to structures are flood proofed.
('69 Code, § 7-24.02)
   (C)   Methods of enforcement. Upon finding that any of the provisions of this title are being violated or upon finding a condition which may lead to a violation, the Administrator shall notify in writing the persons responsible for such violation or condition, ordering the action necessary to correct such condition or violation. He may order discontinuance of illegal work being done, order discontinuance of illegal use of structures and land and order removal of illegal structures or additions. Further, he may take any other action authorized by this title to ensure compliance with or to prevent violations of this title, including, but not limited to, calling upon the City Attorney to institute legal proceedings and calling upon the Chief of Police for assistance. ('69 Code, § 7-24.03)
   (D)   Resumption of work. When any work shall have been stopped for any reason whatsoever, it shall not again be resumed until the reason for the work stoppage has been completely removed and written approval to proceed has been received from the Administrator. ('69 Code, § 7-24.04)