(A)   Shoreland classification system. The public waters of the city have been classified below consistent with the criteria found in Minnesota Rules, Part 6120.3300, and the Protected Waters Inventory Map for Nobles County, Minnesota.
      (1)   The shoreland area for the waterbodies listed in divisions (2) and (3) below shall be defined in § 155.142 and as shown on the official zoning map.
      (2)   Lakes.
         General Development Lakes      Protected Waters inventory I.D. #
         Lake Okabena            53.28
      (3)   Rivers and streams.   Tributary streams.
         West Inlet - Lake Okabena (Unnamed tributary to Okabena Lake)
      From                     To
      Section      Township      Range      Section      Township      Range
      17      102         40      28      102         40
                              (Basin 53-28)
All protected watercourses in the city shown on the Protected Waters inventory Map for Nobles County, a copy of which is hereby adopted by reference, not given a classification in Items A-E above shall be considered tributary.
   (B)   Land use district descriptions.
      (1)   Criteria for designation. The land use districts in division (B)(2) below, and the delineation of a land use district's boundaries on the official zoning map, must be consistent with the goals, policies, and objectives of the comprehensive land use plan (when available) and the following criteria, considerations, and objectives:
         (a)   General considerations and criteria for all land uses:
            1.   Preservation of natural areas;
            2.   Present ownership and development of shoreland areas;
            3.   Shoreland soil types and their engineering capabilities;
            4.   Topographic characteristics;
            5.   Vegetative cover;
            6.   In-water physical characteristics, values, and constraints;
            7.   Recreational use of the surface water;
            8.   Road and service center accessibility;
            9.   Socioeconomic development needs and plans as they involve water and related land resources;
            10.   The land requirements of industry which, by its nature, requires location in shoreland areas; and
            11. The necessity to preserve and restore certain areas having significant historical or ecological value.
         (b)   Factors and criteria for planned unit developments:
            1.   Existing recreational use of the surface waters and likely increases in use associated with planned unit developments;
            2.   Physical and aesthetic impacts of increased density;
            3.   Suitability of lands for the planned unit development approach;
            4.   Level of current development in the area; and
            5.   Amounts and types of ownership of undeveloped lands.
      (2)   Land use district descriptions. The land use districts provided below, and the allowable land uses therein for the given classifications of waterbodies, shall be properly delineated on the official zoning map for the shorelands of this community. These land use districts are in conformance with the criteria specified in Minnesota Regulation, Part 6120.3200, Subp.3:
   See Table - Schedule of Use Regulations - Shoreland Overlay District. (See Appendix F following this chapter.)
(Ord. 808, passed 3-13-95)