(A)   Protection. No development shall be undertaken within the
"S" district which will reduce or adversely affect the biological, botanical or zoological resource now existing within
the district.
   (B)   Wetlands.
      (1)   No one shall deposit or remove any material within a wetland, excavate within a wetland, construct, alter or remove any structure within, upon or across a wetland; plant or remove any vegetation within a wetland; alter any embankment within a wetland or change the flow of water through the wetland without first requiring a development permit.
      (2)   No conditional use permit for development in a wetland shall be issued except in the following manner:
         (a)   Work shall not be performed during the breeding season of water fowl or the fish spawning season.
         (b)   No part of a sewage disposal system requiring on land or in the ground disposal of waste shall be located closer than 150 feet of the edge of the wetland.
         (c)   Removal of vegetation shall be permitted only when and where work has been approved according to this chapter.
         (d)   Floor elevations of buildings must be a least two feet above the seasonal high water level of the wetland.
         (e)   Work shall not endanger unique/or endangered plant species nor be conducted in areas of archaeological significance except by those expertly trained in those fields.
   (C)   Woods.
      (1)   No one shall cut a tree or remove shrubs except that the developer shall demonstrate that no feasible or prudent alternative exists and that if such vegetation is cut he will restore the density of trees to that which existed before development, but in no case shall he be compelled to raise density above ten trees per acre.
      (2)   All existing development shall be maintained and no conditional use permit for development shall be issued except in the following manner:
         (a)   Buildings shall be clustered in such a manner as to maximize the preservation of existing trees and native vegetation.
         (b)   Species planted shall be hardy under local conditions, shall be compatible with the local landscape and shall not include species presently under disease epidemic.
         (c)   Grading and contouring shall take place so the root zone aeration stability of existing trees, shall not be affected and shall maintain existing trees with a watering penetration area equal to one-half the crown area.
         (d)   Notwithstanding the above, the removal of trees seriously damaged by storms or other acts of God, or diseased trees shall not be prohibited.
   (D)   Public waters. Any proposed work in the beds of public waters which will change the course, current or cross-section of public waters shall be subject to the provisions of M.S. § 105.42.
('69 Code, § 7-16.03, Subd. 2 G.)