The City Land Use Policy is as follows:
   (A)   The designation of the City Planning Commission as the primary authority for planning and regulating development in this city according to a system of uniform procedural standards;
   (B)   The encouragement for the creation and adoption of land development plan to guide the use of land, water and natural resources of the city;
   (C)   The establishment of a system of administrative and judicial review of land use decisions which encourages effective citizen participation and prompt resolution of disputes;
   (D)   The provision of fair and efficient means for enforcement of land development regulations including the discontinuance of existing uses;
   (E)   Establishment of a system for permanently recording development regulations and decisions in a manner that will enable the most efficient and accurate dissemination of this information;
   (F)   The encouragement of cooperation among governmental agencies to help achieve land use policy goals; and
   (G)   The provision that financial support for capital improvements be made in accordance with city land use policy.
('69 Code, § 7-2.02)