(A)   The terms of § 96.02(A) shall not apply to the following:
      (1)   Property currently used for agricultural purposes and under current cultivation, or which is used for grazing purposes.
      (2)   Property which is undeveloped, except for those portions of such properties within 75 feet of abutting property developed or under development, improved public or private facilities, or streets.
      (3)   Natural preserves, which shall be any publicly-owned lands designated as park or open space or private properties approved by the city, which are set aside to preserve their natural characteristics and qualities.
      (4)   Public right-of-way property physically separated from adjacent private property by any improvement placed by the public authority.
      (5)   Public right-of-way property otherwise posted by public authority so as to indicate that mowing should not occur or only should be done by public authority.
      (6)   A public drainage pond or ditch which stores or conveys storm water.
      (7)   Maintained and weeded gardens, trees, and shrub plantings.
   (B)   All other provisions of § 96.02(B) through (D) shall apply to these properties.
(Ord. 834, passed 5-27-97)