(A)   No person shall kindle or maintain any bonfire, rubbish fire, or outdoor fire of any type or authorize any such fire to be kindled or maintained within the boundaries of the city unless specially authorized to do so by the City Council.
   (B)   The City Council may, in extraordinary circumstances, authorize bonfires, rubbish fires, or other outdoor fires so long as they are not prohibited by other federal or state laws.
   (C)   A request for special authorization to conduct an outdoor fire shall be made by application to the City Clerk on a form prescribed by the city. The application shall state with specificity the extraordinary circumstances existing which might justify the special authorization. The City Clerk shall notify the Fire Chief of the Fire Department of any applications for special authorization and shall provide the Chief with a copy of said application before it is submitted to the City Council for consideration.
   (D)   If special authorization for an outdoor fire is granted, the provisions of the Uniform Fire Code and the powers of the Fire Chief to prohibit any outdoor fire when atmospheric conditions or local circumstances make such fires hazardous, shall apply to any such outdoor fire.
   (E)   This section does not apply to fires set for recreational, ceremonial, food preparation, or social purposes provided that only wood, coal, or charcoal is burned.
   (F)   This section does not authorize the open burning of leaves pursuant to M.S. § 116.082.
   (G)   A violation of this section is and shall be punishable as a misdemeanor.
(Ord. 738, passed 7-10-89)