(A)   Definitions. The following words, terms, and phrases, when used in this section, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection, except where the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning.
      EMERGENCY. A condition created on city streets because of the presence of snow, freezing rain, sleet, ice or snow drifts thereon, which creates or is likely to create hazardous road conditions or impede or are likely to impede the free movement of fire, health, police, snow removal equipment, or other emergency traffic or citizen's travel.
      EMERGENCY OFFICIAL. The Superintendent of Public Works or his or her designee.
      STREET AND ALLEY. The entire width of any public roadway within the city and it shall not be limited to those roadways designated as "street" but to include avenues and all other names by which a public roadways are designated.
   (B)   Declaration of snow emergency.
      (1)   After or during the fall of snow, freezing rain, sleet, ice or accumulation of snow drifts on any day between October 15 and April 15, the Emergency Official is authorized to declare in writing a snow emergency which shall be announced by radio broadcast as soon as possible on the local radio station(s). Four hours after the declaration of a snow emergency it shall be in effect. A declared snow emergency shall expire 48 hours later unless the snow emergency is either renewed or terminated early by the Emergency Official. If renewed or terminated early, it will be publicized in the same manner as the original declaration.
      (2)   Parking during declaration of snow emergency. It shall be unlawful for any person to allow a vehicle parked upon any public street or alley which interferes with the removal of snow from streets or alleys in the city or impedes the free movement of fire, health, police, snow removal equipment, emergency or other vehicular traffic when such emergency has been declared.
   (C)   Odd-even parking. From and after November 15 through March 31 of each year with enforcement time from 12:01 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. each day, the parking of vehicles on the streets in the city on odd-numbered dates shall be allowed only on sides of the streets which have buildings with addresses ending in an odd number and on those dates parking shall be prohibited on the sides of the streets which have buildings with addresses ending in an even number. During the same time period, the parking of vehicles on the streets in the city on even numbered dates shall be allowed only on the sides of the streets which have buildings with addresses ending in an even number and on those dates parking shall be prohibited on the sides of the streets which have buildings with addresses ending in an odd number. If a snow emergency is declared pursuant to division (B) above, odd-even parking shall be in effect even if such snow emergency occurs or extends outside of the period between November 15 and March 31.
   (D)   Nothing in this section authorizes the parking of a vehicle for a period of time or in a place when or where otherwise prohibited or restricted by signs or otherwise including but not limited to, emergency snow route signs, odd/even parking signs or time restricted parking signs. Except as to a declared snow emergency, all temporary and permanent city signs which direct that parking should occur in a different way on any street shall have priority over the other provisions of this section.
   (E)   No vehicle shall be parked upon any street, alley or right-of-way outside of the designated parking lanes so as to block the removal of snow from any such street, alley or right-of-way.
   (F)   Ticketing and towing of vehicles. Pursuant to M.S. § 169.041 and § 72.13 of this code, any law enforcement official shall be authorized to ticket and tow, or have removed and towed away by any commercial towing service, any vehicle which is parked in violation of this section or in any place where such parked vehicle creates or constitutes a traffic hazard or obstructs, or may obstruct the movement of any emergency or snow removal equipment, or unreasonably interferes with the removal of snow.
   (G)   Violation of this section shall be a petty misdemeanor.
('69 Code, § 5.16, Subd. 9) (Am. Ord. 680, passed 11-26-84; Am. Ord. 688, passed 9-9-85; Am. Ord. 930, passed 12-26-01; Am. Ord. 1041, passed 5-9-11) Penalty, see § 70.99