(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person, including corporations, to engage in business as a canvasser or solicitor, calling at residences or places of business without the previous consent of the occupant for the purpose of soliciting orders, sales, subscriptions, or business of any kind, or seeking information or donations without first having registered in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer.
   (B)   A registrant other than a corporation shall give his or her complete identification, his or her signature, the name of his or her employer, the nature of the products or services in which he or she is interested, the names of the manufacturer of such products, or of the organization which he or she is representing, and the proposed method of operation in the town.
   (C)   A registrant which is a corporation shall give the state in which it is incorporated, and if incorporated out of state, an affirmation that it is licensed to do business within the state, its resident agent, the names and addresses of the agents and employees of the registrant who will be soliciting in the town, the nature of the products or services in which it is interested, the names of the manufacturers of such products, and the proposed method of operation in the town. A permit is required for each individual solicitor.
(1993 Code, Title IV, Art. 2, § 1)  Penalty, see § 10.99