The Department of Law shall be under the direction of the Director of Law who shall be accountable to the City Manager. He shall perform the following duties:
   (a)   Attend all regular and special meetings of Council as requested, and attend Council committee meetings and meetings of boards and commissions as requested.
   (b)   Advise Council, the City Manager, boards, commissions and all officers and departments of the City on all matters of law.
   (c)   Draft or cause to be drafted all ordinances, resolutions, agreements and contracts to be made or entered into by the City and approve the form of such instruments.
   (d)   Prosecute all violators of the City ordinances and represent the City in all actions at law.
   (e)   Review and report to Council on the official bonds of all officers of the City.
   (f)   Give his opinion upon any legal question affecting the City government submitted to him by Council or any of its committees, or by any City official.
   (g)   Perform such other duties as may be required by the City Manager.
   (h)   Perform all legal services incident to public improvements and the issuance of notes and bonds in payment thereof or make arrangements for the hiring of special counsel.