In addition to City Charter requirements, the following provisions are established by ordinance:
   (a)   Formal action by Council for the expenditure of unappropriated public funds shall be taken by ordinance. (See Charter Section 2.16)
      (Ord. 79-62. Passed 8-27-62.)
   (b)   Publication of notice of the contents of a proposed ordinance shall be summary notice. (See Charter Section 2.17)
   (c)   At the Council meeting for the second reading of an ordinance, Council may, at its discretion, recess such hearing and continue it at a later date. (See Charter Section 2.17)
   (d)   The reason for any emergency ordinance shall be set forth in a separate section of the ordinance, which section shall be approved by a vote of six-sevenths of Council. (See Charter Section 2.17)
   (e)   The vote on the final passage of an ordinance shall be taken by roll call and the vote of each member voting shall be entered upon the minutes. (See Charter Section 2.17)
   (f)   In adopting a standard ordinance or code, if Council desires to modify, add to or eliminate from any such ordinance or code any section or part thereof, such addition, modification or omission shall be clearly stated in the adopting ordinance. (See Charter Section 2.20)
   (g)   Public notice of the passage of an ordinance shall be published the Thursday following passage by one or more of the following methods:
      (1)   By posting copies thereof in not less than four (4) of the most public places in the Municipality as determined by City Council, and on the City Website;
      (2)   By posting copies thereof in the office of the Clerk of Council;
      (3)   By publication of a notice, one time, in a newspaper of general circulation in the Municipality setting forth the title and effective date of the ordinance and a statement that the ordinance is on file in the office of the City Clerk;
      (4)   By publication at length, one time, in a newspaper of general circulation in the Municipality;
      (5)   In accordance with the provisions of Section 4.05 of this Charter in the case of the annual appropriations budget ordinance;
      (6)   By setting forth their provisions at length in the Codified Ordinances made available for public inspection in libraries and in courts.
   Publication of the passage of an ordinance shall be made by method one (1) above unless a provision of said ordinance provides another method.
(Ord. 64-2007. Passed 12-3-07.)