When the purchasing threshold meets or exceeds the amount established in Section 111.03, the City Manager may authorize one of the following formal purchasing methods in accordance with the procedures described herein:
   (a)   Competitive bidding. Specifications shall be prepared for the supplies, materials, equipment or the construction of a public improvement and the City shall advertise for the solicitation of bids at least two weeks prior to bid opening in one of the following ways:
      (1)   By publication in a newspaper of general circulation once a week for two consecutive weeks; or
      (2)   By posting notification on the City's website and, to the extent available, in media of trade organizations appropriate for the purpose; or
      (3)   By means of an abbreviated publication prescribed in Ohio Revised Code Section 7.16; or
      (4)    In the manner exercised by an internet-based bidding information service should the City determine to use such service for the purchase.
   When formal competitive bidding is employed, the bids shall be opened and tabulated publicly by the Finance Director, or designee, at the time and place specified in the advertisement for bids. The City Manager shall then award the contract to the lowest and best responsible bidder, unless it is determined that the public interest would be better served by rejecting all bids and either ordering a new advertisement or abandoning the purchase. The City Manager shall be responsible for establishing such other rules and regulations which may be necessary to carry out the purpose of this subsection and which would serve the best interest of the City, including without limitation rules and regulations governing the receipt of bids that exceed the Engineer's estimate and action to be taken by the City when no bids are received.
   As an alternative to in-person bid submissions and openings, the City may select an internet based bidding information service as the vehicle for submitting and processing sealed bids managed by the City.
   (b)   Design-build. The purchase of supplies, materials and equipment or the construction of public improvements may be obtained through the design-build process in accordance with the procedures established in the Ohio Revised Code, or pursuant to such other procedures as may be established from time to time by the City Manager. The purchase of computer software that is custom-built, in whole or in part, to certain City specifications shall be considered to be an equipment purchase that may be made by means of the design-build process.
   (c)   Construction Manager or Construction Manager At-Risk. The purchase of supplies, materials and equipment or the construction of public improvements may be obtained through the construction manager or the construction manager at-risk process in accordance with the procedures established in the Ohio Revised Code, or pursuant to such other procedures as may be established from time to time by the City Manager.
   (d)   Reverse Auction. The City may utilize a reverse auction purchasing process in which offerors submit proposals in competing to sell supplies, materials and equipment or services in an open environment via the internet. The procedures established in Ohio Revised Code Section 9.314 or such procedures established by the City Manager shall be used.
   (e)   Other State of Ohio Authorized Methods. In addition to any of the methods described in subsections (a) through (d) of this section, the City may obtain supplies, materials and equipment and the construction of public improvements by any other method authorized by the State of Ohio for public entities.
      (Ord. 02-2017. Passed 1-17-17.)