(a)   “Senior assisted living” means facilities for ambulatory or nonambulatory residents age fifty-five or over (or profoundly disabled persons of any age) personally assisted by staff. The average unit size is smaller than the typical apartment and parking demand for individual residents is limited.
   (b)   “Senior residential” means multi-family facilities with occupancy restricted to age fifty-five and over. Social rooms, limited staff and garages may be included. Unit sizes may vary and be as large as typical apartments.
   (c)   “Senior residential efficiency” means the inclusion of efficiency, one-bedroom units not exceeding 800 square feet each in area, within a senior residential development, and likely resulting in an increased density (total living units per acre). To meet the requirements of this use category, at least twenty percent (20%) of all units in a development must be efficiency units.
(Ord. 46-97. Passed 9-22-97.)