(a) “I-1 Restricted Industrial” means the fabrication or processing of goods or the fitting together of component parts. Restricted industrial uses shall in no case generate dust, noise, smoke, vapors, odor, vibration, cinders, refuse matter or waste or hazardous materials so as to be offensive to nearby residents or the general public, nor generating extensive transport of heavy materials or products. Restricted industrial uses shall include such uses as light manufacturing and assembly, automotive services, animal hospitals, equipment sales and storage, laboratories and clinics, offices and other uses which are determined by the Municipal Planning Commission to be of the same character.
(b) “I-2 General Industrial” means any manufacturing, service industries, processing or assembly which by the nature of the materials, equipment and process utilized are not objectionable by reason of odor, radiation, noise, vibration, cinders, gas fumes, dust, smoke, refuse matter or waste, or hazardous substances or other environmental hazard. General industrial uses shall include such uses as: manufacturing and assembly, printing and publishing, research and development facilities, laboratories and clinics, wholesale business, warehousing, food processing and other uses which are determined by the Municipal Planning Commission to be of the same character. (Ord. 14-96. Passed 4-22-96.)